> High-flow Backwash> Enhanced cake layer removal using Sprinkler> Air-scouring (only during backwash)> Sprinkler CapClean for chemical cleaning
> Location: Caspian Sea> Replacement of existing lamella settlers by integration of SiC membranes> Start-up 11/2017> Feed COD/BOD/TSS up to 120/30/117 ppm> Feed turbidity up to 36 NTU> TDS up to 2,000 ppm> Up to 14,400 m³/d > Filtered water SDI <1.0 NTU < 0.2/Fe < 0.02 ppm
Filtration Train Design> Existing lamella settler basin split into 4 filtration Trains> 2x5 module towers per Train (40 towers in total)> Each tower equipped with 7 filtration modules> Train design flux 357 - 476 LMH> Max. flux 667 LMH (tested during pilot phase)
Filtration Module 6.0 S (from CERAFILTEC)> Single Plates Water Collector design with 34 SiC membranes (from Cembrane)> Complete housing and piping equipment made in plastic